2Q2017 Most Visited
July 1, 2017
Here they are! The 10 most frequently visited HiLobrow posts published during April, May, and June 2017.
- (2Q2017) Mike Watt’s DASHBOARD TOTEMS: The legendary indie rocker’s installment in our TALISMANIC OBJECTS series. “These totems keep me centered and help focus my thoughts when I got driving duty. I have only three goals: 1) I gotta get my men home safe; 2) We gotta play these gigs the best we can for the cats who work all week to come to them; and 3) everything else.”
- (2Q2017) Lynn Peril’s PLANET OF PERIL installment OPERATION HIDEAWAY: At five in the afternoon on Sunday, July 12, 1959, Melvin Mininson and Maria Rodriguez exchanged wedding vows in Miami, Florida. Then they climbed down a ten-foot ladder into the eight-foot wide, fourteen-foot long concrete fallout shelter that would serve as their honeymoon home for the next two weeks.
- (2Q2017) Jessica Helfand’s TALISMANIC OBJECTS installment PILL BOTTLE: “They move fast, those baboons, graceful and dextrous with their long arms and curly toes, and before we know it, they’re on top of our car. In go the arms, down from the roof, unlocking the door through the window and grabbing everything they can.”
- (2Q2017) Veda Hille’s TALISMANIC OBJECTS installment CROCHET SHEEP: “He had dug around in one of those mixed bags of odd toys and brought me a small grubby crochet sheep. Dirty white with little red thread eyes and an unraveled red thread bow. It was frayed and melancholy and only slightly hopeful and right up my alley.”
- (2Q2017) Gary Panter’s TALISMANIC OBJECTS installment DINOSAUR BONES: “I was five years old, and completely sold on the strangeness and truth of ancient horrible monsters in a place where volcanoes turned the sky red and black and the earth cracked open and giant beasts fell down fighting all the way to their doom. I fantasized about being in that terrible place, hiding under ferns.”
- (2Q2017) Annie Nocenti’s TALISMANIC OBJECTS installment MINIATURE DICE: “My talisman keeps me vigilant, wary of the complex bait and switch skills of confidence men. I didn’t wear them for a few years, but feel the need to wear them again now. My dice remind me of a game being played large on a political stage, the gaslight of the century.”
- (2Q2017) Amanda Fortini’s TALISMANIC OBJECTS installment PRAYER CARD: “On the front of mine is the Virgin Mary: beams of light emanate from her upturned palms, and her bare feet crush a serpent, an obvious Christian symbol. On the back is printed a prayer, known as “the Memorare,” that my grandfather, a devout Catholic from the time he was a child, recited as a terrified 17-, 18,- 19 year old boy on a naval battleship in the South Pacific.”
- (2Q2017) Judith Zissman’s TALISMANIC OBJECTS installment SPINDLE WHORL: “Future archaeologists will find no trace of my work. I will not be buried with my cloud-based technology platforms. Ethnomusicologists will uncover no work songs about digital strategy. A thousand years after this woman’s death, her most valuable object, her livelihood, her creative output is still here.”
- (2Q2017) Joe Alterio’s QUALITY JOE installment STUDIO-X: “produced a series of five silkscreen posters, based upon that peculiar crushing feeling of loneliness and isolation only found when you’re stuck in a digital world — with no way out and no one to talk to.”
- (2Q2017) Mandy Keifetz’s #SQUADGOALS installment THE FOUNDING FATHERS: “Thomas Jefferson was the Cyrano character — his eloquence, for all that we benefit from it, the flipside of a crippling social anxiety. He spoke aloud only when avoiding it was impossible.”

- (1Q2017) Transcript of Benjamen Walker’s THEORY OF EVERYTHING podcast titled THE TWENTIETH DAY OF JANUARY. “‘JOSH GLENN’: After the fall of the Soviet Union, with help from his ex-KGB handlers, Trump spent 25 years in training — purposely making a buffoon of himself.” Still our #1 post for 2017.
- (1Q2017) Adam McGovern’s THIS: installment LOOK AT THOSE CAVEMEN GO. Mark Russell: “I envision [Snagglepuss] like a tragic Tennessee Williams figure; Huckleberry Hound is sort of a William Faulkner guy, they’re in New York in the 1950s, Marlon Brando shows up, Dorothy Parker, these socialites of New York from that era come and go.” Still our #2 post for 2017.
- (2Q2017) Mike Watt’s DASHBOARD TOTEMS: The legendary indie rocker’s installment in our TALISMANIC OBJECTS series. “These totems keep me centered and help focus my thoughts when I got driving duty. I have only three goals: 1) I gotta get my men home safe; 2) We gotta play these gigs the best we can for the cats who work all week to come to them; and 3) everything else.”
- (1Q2017) Stephen Duncombe’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment PROTEST SIGN: “Our funny, ironic, and oh-so-clever message backfired.”
- (1Q2017) Anne Boyer’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, ALL KNEES AND ELBOWS OF SUSCEPTIBILITY AND REFUSAL. “Politics right now is kept off-limits via paradox: the not-any of what we really need packaged in the too-much we can’t stand.”
- (2Q2017) Lynn Peril’s PLANET OF PERIL installment OPERATION HIDEAWAY: At five in the afternoon on Sunday, July 12, 1959, Melvin Mininson and Maria Rodriguez exchanged wedding vows in Miami, Florida. Then they climbed down a ten-foot ladder into the eight-foot wide, fourteen-foot long concrete fallout shelter that would serve as their honeymoon home for the next two weeks.
- (1Q2017) Ben Greenman’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, MATCHBOX CAR. “Prince had just died. I had just started writing a book about him. I knew that I needed a little red Corvette, somehow, as a talisman.”
- (1Q2017) Luc Sante’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, CAMPAIGN PAMPHLETS. “In the fall of 1968 I was presented with a dilemma: Peace and Freedom, or Freedom and Peace?”
- (1Q2017) Stuart Ewen’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, SNCC PIN: “The SNCC pin imagined a world in which blacks and whites would join in a movement to bring about an end to the regime of white supremacy that had been an intrinsic contradiction contaminating American democracy since its inception. The clasped hands, black and white together, suggested a society in which the common good of humanity, from generation to generation, would become the overarching principle. We are not there yet.”
- (2Q2017) Jessica Helfand’s TALISMANIC OBJECTS installment PILL BOTTLE: “They move fast, those baboons, graceful and dextrous with their long arms and curly toes, and before we know it, they’re on top of our car. In go the arms, down from the roof, unlocking the door through the window and grabbing everything they can.”

Thanks to all our HiLobrow contributors of 2Q2017! On to 3Q2017…
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