2Q2016 Most Visited
July 2, 2016
Here they are! The 10 most frequently visited HiLobrow posts published during April, May, and June 2016.
- (2Q2016) Adam McGovern’s THIS: installment on ONCE UPON AGAIN: Paying tribute to the cartoonist Darwin Cooke, who died on May 14.
- (2Q2016) Mimi Lipson’s GROK MY ENTHUSIASM installment on 1973 SEARS ROEBUCK CATALOG: A childhood flashback and visual dictionary for art-making.
- (2Q2016) Adam McGovern’s THIS: installment on LOST & FOUND WORLDS: The comicbook Criminal: Tenth Anniversary Special Edition Magazine, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips.
- (2Q2016) Adam McGovern’s THIS: installment on THE NEW WEIRD AMERICA: A Q&A with Alison Crane and Todd Faulkner of the podcast UNCANNY COUNTY.
- (2Q2016) The 3rd installment in James Parker’s series bastardizing the KALEVALA epic: AN AFTERNOON UPON THE WATER. “Talking to your dog is like talking to yourself,/like talking to nobody, like talking to God./Your subjectivity feels odd.”
- (2Q2016) Jessamyn West’s GROK MY ENTHUSIASM installment on MOSS: “Me and moss. Moss and me. Staying green, playing the long game.”
- (2Q2016) The 3rd installment in Lynn Peril’s cultural-history series PLANET OF PERIL: VINCE TAYLOR. “‘You think I’m Vince Taylor, don’t you. But I’m not,’ he announced to his startled bandmates. ‘I am Mateus, the son of Jesus Christ.’”
- (2Q2016) Jenny Davidson’s GROK MY ENTHUSIASM installment on POWERLIFTING: “I love the sheer abstruse technicality of the regulations, even if I do not look forward to wearing a singlet or ‘onesie’ and having my weigh-in number posted on the internet for all to see.”
- (2Q2016) Brian Berger’s GROK MY ENTHUSIASM installment on SLACKER: Revisiting Richard Linklater’s movie’s examinations of historical memory.
- (2Q2016) Evan Narcisse’s GROK MY ENTHUSIASM installment on REZ: a 2001 videogame whose fevered imagining of cyberspace unshackled it from technology and made it spiritual.

Here are the 10 most frequently visited HiLobrow posts published during 2016 thus far. However, please visit this post to learn why our results for 1Q2016 are badly flawed. (We’ll never know which 1Q2016 posts were actually the most visited.)
- (1Q2016) THE CONTROL OF CANDY JONES, second in Lynn Peril’s brand-new PLANET OF PERIL series, recounts the strange but true story of a 1950s supermodel turned 1960s CIA-brainwashed killer. This is the most popular HiLobrow post published in 2016, so far this year.
- (1Q2016) BEST OLDER KIDS’ LIT 1966: HILOBROW’s Josh Glenn celebrated the 50th anniversary of some of his favorite older kids’ adventures, from Joan Aiken’s Nightbirds on Nantucket to Sid Fleischman’s Chancy and the Grand Rascal. Thanks, Boing Boing, for driving quite a bit of traffic to this post….
- (2Q2016) Adam McGovern’s THIS: installment on ONCE UPON AGAIN: Paying tribute to the cartoonist Darwin Cooke, who died on May 14.
- (1Q2016) The 1st installment in Lynn Peril’s cultural-history series PLANET OF PERIL: THE SHIFTERS. Was Shifterism “morally detrimental” or merely “a harmless fad”?
- (2Q2016) Mimi Lipson’s GROK MY ENTHUSIASM installment on 1973 SEARS ROEBUCK CATALOG: A childhood flashback and visual dictionary for art-making.
- (2Q2016) Adam McGovern’s THIS: installment on LOST & FOUND WORLDS: The comicbook Criminal: Tenth Anniversary Special Edition Magazine, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips.
- (2Q2016) Adam McGovern’s THIS: installment on THE NEW WEIRD AMERICA: A Q&A with Alison Crane and Todd Faulkner of the podcast UNCANNY COUNTY.
- (2Q2016) The 3rd installment in James Parker’s series bastardizing the KALEVALA epic: AN AFTERNOON UPON THE WATER: “Talking to your dog is like talking to yourself,/like talking to nobody, like talking to God./Your subjectivity feels odd.”
- (1Q2016) HYPOCRITE IDLER 2015: An annual report on the projects and accomplishments of HILOBROW’s publisher. The report for 2015 includes: the new UNBORED ADVENTURE book, the new UNBORED activity kits from MindWare, plus semiotics, writing, and HiLobrow.
- (1Q2016) STANLEY BOOTH: Anthony Miller contributed a HILO HERO item on the Rolling Stones’ “writer in residence.”

Note that HILOBROW’s 10 most visited features, during 1Q2016 and 2Q2016, don’t make either of the lists shown here because (a) some of them are pages, rather than posts; and (b) they weren’t published during 2016. The 10 most visited HiLobrow features of 2016, so far, include: Josh Glenn’s 200 BEST ADVENTURES list | Josh Glenn’s RADIUM AGE SCI-FI 100 list | HILOBOOKS homepage | Matthew De Abaitua’s PURPLE EXEGETICS — which received a lot of new traffic after the tragic death of Prince | Molly Sauter’s GUY FAWKES MASK-OLOGY | Josh Glenn’s GOLDEN AGE SCI-FI 75 list | Ingrid Schorr’s ROCKVILLE GIRL SPEAKS mini-memoir | Josh Glenn’s BEST ESPIONAGE ADVENTURES list | Barbara Bogaev’s HiLo Hero item on PAUL C. BRAGG | Josh Glenn’s generational study of THE REVIVALISTS (b. 1974–1983).
The most perennially popular posts we’ve ever published, here at HILOBROW? That list hasn’t changed much, since we first announced it back in October 2012. Erik Davis’s CTHULHU IS NOT CUTE, from 2010, continues to dominate…
Thanks to all our HiLobrow contributors of 2Q2016! On to 3Q2016.
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