1Q2017 Most Visited
March 28, 2017
Here they are! The 10 HILOBROW posts — published during January, February, and March 2017 — that have been visited most frequently so far this year.
- (1Q2017) Transcript of Benjamen Walker’s THEORY OF EVERYTHING podcast titled THE TWENTIETH DAY OF JANUARY. “‘JOSH GLENN’: After the fall of the Soviet Union, with help from his ex-KGB handlers, Trump spent 25 years in training — purposely making a buffoon of himself.” Visited over 15,000 times — so far!
- (1Q2017) Adam McGovern’s THIS: LOOK AT THOSE CAVEMEN GO. Mark Russell: “I envision [Snagglepuss] like a tragic Tennessee Williams figure; Huckleberry Hound is sort of a William Faulkner guy, they’re in New York in the 1950s, Marlon Brando shows up, Dorothy Parker, these socialites of New York from that era come and go. I’m looking forward to it; that’s what I’ll do after The Flintstones.”
- (1Q2017) Josh Glenn and Rob Walker’s POLITICAL OBJECTS SERIES: INTRODUCTION. “The objects include overtly political artifacts both charismatic and absurd, and items whose stealthily political nature will surprise you; the stories range from the uplifting to the poignant to the unexpectedly illuminating.”
- (1Q2017) Stephen Duncombe’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, PROTEST SIGN. “Our funny, ironic, and oh-so-clever message backfired.”
- (1Q2017) Anne Boyer’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, ALL KNEES AND ELBOWS OF SUSCEPTIBILITY AND REFUSAL. “Politics right now is kept off-limits via paradox: the not-any of what we really need packaged in the too-much we can’t stand.”
- (1Q2017) Ben Greenman’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, MATCHBOX CAR. “Prince had just died. I had just started writing a book about him. I knew that I needed a little red Corvette, somehow, as a talisman.”
- (1Q2017) Luc Sante’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, CAMPAIGN PAMPHLETS. “In the fall of 1968 I was presented with a dilemma: Peace and Freedom, or Freedom and Peace?”
- (1Q2017) Virginia Heffernan’s POLITICAL OBJECTS installment, HRC PAINTING. “She seems like a brilliant bluestocking grandmother from the last century, a figure for the whole quaint American promise.”
- (1Q2017) Josh Glenn’s HYPOCRITE IDLER 2016. Josh’s work, un-work, action and inaction during the previous year.
- (1Q2017) Annie Nocenti’s #SQUADGOALS installment: THE WILD BUNCH. “Becoming obsolete in your own lifetime is traumatic and timeless. Change or die. Re-invent yourself. … How many of us work in outmoded fields?”

Excluding POLITICAL OBJECTS series installments, this Top 10 list would also include the following six posts: Adam McGovern’s THIS: RE-SISTER | Lynn Peril’s PLANET OF PERIL installment on Wearing the Pants | Jennifer Krasinski’s #SQUADGOALS installment on Watership Down Rabbits | Tom Nealon’s STUFFED installment on the menu at Trump Tower | Luc Sante’s remembrance of drummer Bobo Shaw | Alice Boone’s #SQUADGOALS installment on Pretty Little Liars.
What about HILOBROW posts and pages that weren’t published during 1Q2017? The most visited of these include: 200 Greatest Adventures | 75 Best Golden Age Sci-Fi Novels | Pluperfect PDA Meme | 100 Best Radium Age Sci-Fi Novels | 61 Best Espionage Adventures.
Thanks to all our HiLobrow contributors of 1Q2017! On to 2Q2017…
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