September 30, 2015
Here they are! The 10 most frequently visited HiLobrow posts published during July, August, and September 2015. And also, below that, a list of the 10 most frequently visited HiLobrow posts published during 2015, so far.
- John Holbo’s CROM YOUR ENTHUSIASM entry on Robert E. Howard’s Conan mythos was HILOBROW’s most visited post published during 3Q2015. Well done, Mr. Holbo! And well deserved, since the CROM YOUR ENTHUSIASM series was his suggestion, in the first place. August 27.
- Devin McKinney’s HiLo Hero item on Ian Curtis was HILOBROW’s second most visited post published during 3Q2015. July 15.
- Mark Kingwell’s HiLo Hero item on Henry David Thoreau was HILOBROW’s third most visited post published during 3Q2015. July 12.
- Josh Glenn’s generational essay “Daniel Clowes — Against Groovy” (a reprint from 2013’s The Daniel Clowes Reader, pub. Fantagraphics, ed. Ken Parille) was HILOBROW’s fourth most visited post published during 3Q2015. September 1.
- Anthony Miller’s HiLo Hero item on James Tiptree Jr. was HILOBROW’s fifth most visited post published during 3Q2015. August 24.
- Erik Davis’s CROM YOUR ENTHUSIASM entry on Jack Williamson’s Darker Than You Think was HILOBROW’s sixth most visited post published during 3Q2015. August 3.
- Brian Berger’s HiLo Hero item on Albert Ayler was HILOBROW’s seventh most visited post published during 3Q2015. July 13.
- Anthony Miller’s CROM YOUR ENTHUSIASM entry on H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth was HILOBROW’s eighth most visited post published during 3Q2015. August 3.
- Andrew Hultkrans’s CROM YOUR ENTHUSIASM entry on H.P. Lovecraft’s At The Mountains of Madness was HILOBROW’s ninth most visited post published during 3Q2015. August 22.
- David Smay’s CROM YOUR ENTHUSIASM entry on Fritz Leiber’s Thieves’ House was HILOBROW’s tenth most visited post published during 3Q2015. August 6.
Here’s a list of the 10 most frequently visited HiLobrow posts published since January 1 of this year. (Note: this is not an all-time Top 10 list.) No posts from 3Q2015 made it onto this list! 1Q2015 and 2Q2015 posts dominate. What can we say, summer is always a slow time, traffic-wise. FWIW, John Holbo’s CROM YOUR ENTHUSIASM entry on Robert E. Howard’s Conan mythos and Devin McKinney’s Ian Curtis HiLo Hero item almost squeaked onto this list — so perhaps, if these and other items keep gaining traction, 3Q2015 will be represented on the year-end’s Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 list.
- FROM 2Q2015: STUFFED: Pie Shapes. The 7th installment in Tom Nealon’s STUFFED series, in which our hero investigates a page depicting bizarre pie shapes from a 17th century English cookbook. Tom enlists another HiLobrow friend and contributor, Deb Chachra, to help crack the case. May 6. This was the #1 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015. PS: On the strength of his apophenic food history writing for HiLobrow, Tom was offered a book contract — he turns the manuscript in soon! Tom’s book joins a stellar roster of HiLobrow-powered titles, including James Parker’s Cocky the Fox, Matthew Battles’s The Sovereignties of Invention, and Karinne Keithley Syers’s Linda Linda Linda.
- FROM 2Q2015: FALSE MACHINE (1). The first installment in Patrick Stuart’s FALSE MACHINE series. In which the British blogger has a think about Warhammer figurines as sculptures. June 15. This was the #2 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015.
- FROM 2Q2015: HiLo Hero: Gerald Gardner. Erik Davis recalls to our attention the man who almost singlehandedly founded the postwar religion of Wicca. June 13. This was the #4 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015.
- FROM 1Q2015: HiLo Hero: Robert Anton Wilson. Erik Davis’s appreciation of the anarcho-futurist, chaos magician, and transhuman reality hacker. This item was #1 on our 1Q2015 list; it’s still going strong. January 18. This was the #3 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015.
- FROM 1Q2015: HiLo Hero: Bob Marley. Jerrold Freitag wishes the reggae legend a happy birthday. February 6. This was the #7 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015.
- FROM 2Q2015: 10 Best Adventures of 1975. Josh Glenn’s list of the 10 best adventure novels of 1975. From Samuel R. Delany’s Dhalgren to Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang. June 10. This item wasn’t on the Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far), for 2Q2015.
- FROM 1Q2015: HiLo Hero: Tetsumi Kudo. Gary Panter on the Japanese artist whose medium involves sickly plants, spores, snails, circuitry, penises, tiny people, and indecipherable signage. This item was #2 on our 1Q2015 list; also still going strong. February 23. This was the #5 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015.
- FROM 2Q2015: HiLo Hero: Moebius. Anthony Miller on Moebius — one of the founders of the revolutionary bande dessinée magazine Metal Hurlant, which reached American readers in 1977 as Heavy Metal. May 8. This was the #9 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015.
- FROM 1Q2015: You Down with VCP? HiLobrow editor Josh Glenn reveals his productivity secrets. This was the #8 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015.
- FROM 2Q2015: MUSEUM OF FEMORIBILIA: Leg Makeup. The 6th installment in Lynn Peril’s MUSEUM OF FEMORIBILIA series reminds us that during WWII, there was a nylon shortage. Therefore, many American women faked stockings — by applying leg makeup! June 8. This was the #6 post on our Top 10 HiLobrow Posts of 2015 (So Far) list, for 2Q2015.

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