Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night Moon

By: Matthew Battles
January 6, 2010

This image comes from the sad, strange book children’s book The Dead Bird, by Good Night Moon author Margaret Wise Brown and Remy Charlip (1958). (SPOILER ALERT an extract: “And every day, until they forgot, they went and sang to their little dead bird and put fresh flowers on his grave.”)

You can browse the book in its entirety thanks to the blog Curious Pages, which features “recommended inappropriate books for kids.” Other recent highlights of this eminently subscribable blog include Munro Leaf’s febrile grammar visions, folk artist Howard Finster’s Night Before Christmas, and the Andy Warhol children’s classic Yum, Yum, Yum! (“When I see cold shellfish — like shrimp and clams — that says to me that somebody went all out.” It ain’t Stone Soup, that’s for sure!)

I learned about Curious Pages via the incredible, astonishing, terrific illustrated book blog A Journey Round My Skull— a necessary addition to any hilobrow’s blogroll.


Kudos, Spectacles