Eat Your Heart Out, Chinette
June 1, 2009

WASARA IS “DISPOSABLE paper ware for spiritual enrichment.” Made from sugar cane refuse and other low-footprint fibers, these high-concept paper plates and cups meld Japanese aesthetics, industrial disposability, and a touch of DIY panache (or japonaiserie-porn, greenwashing, and fauxthenticity, depending on where you’re sitting). A set of six of these coffee cups costs about nine bucks — or it will once WASARA finds a North American distributor; for now, they’re only available in Japan. Other pieces include maru and kaku—Japanese plates with little dimples for grasping with the fingers, ideal for serving up grocery store sushi — as well as tumblers and wine cups and compotes. A paperware compote! It gives the detachable-stem plastic champagne flute a run for its money.