Rushkoff vs. the 1% (2)
It is not a protest, but a prototype for a new way of living.
It is not a protest, but a prototype for a new way of living.
A radical view of our economic history – and future.
Occupy Wall Street is not like a book; it is like the Internet.
Josh’s work and unwork, doings and undoings during 2022
“One of the few remaining examples of the rapidly diminishing ‘good Internet’ ice caps that will some day be spoken of only in legend.” — THE AWL PROJECT:OBJECT is a sequel to Josh Glenn and […]
Seven books and intros — reviews — ongoing research — 20% discount!
Discount codes for Josh Glenn’s recent books…
A few final shout-outs.
What’s new with MIT Press’s RADIUM AGE series.
Josh’s work and unwork since July 1.
I’ve dabbled in generational revisionism since the first issue of Hermenaut, in 1992. One of the reasons I started the zine was to express my disagreement with the generational schema proposed in 1991 by the […]
Since 2011, HILOBROW has published a couple dozen “enthusiasm” series — via which regular contributors, as well as friends old and new, share their thoughts and insights about some of their favorite things. Here’s the […]
Published today by MIT Press!
Discounts on RADIUM AGE titles
Josh’s work and unwork since April 1