Code-X (73)
August 14, 2015

Call this cultural code: Mommy Man.
Definition: Though they have not achieved parity yet, fathers are doing much more child care than in the past.

Notes on this code: Advertising, and pop culture, is constantly seeking to determine just how nurturing a father can be before he is emasculated.

MORE SEMIOSIS at HILOBROW: Towards a Cultural Codex | CODE-X series | DOUBLE EXPOSURE Series | CECI EST UNE PIPE series | Star Wars Semiotics | Icon Game | Meet the Semionauts | Show Me the Molecule | Science Fantasy | Inscribed Upon the Body | The Abductive Method | Enter the Samurai | Semionauts at Work | Roland Barthes | Gilles Deleuze | Félix Guattari | Jacques Lacan | Mikhail Bakhtin | Umberto Eco