Badge Merit (6)
August 21, 2010

Are you a secret HiLobrow? Or possibly a public HiLobrow? How can you let the others know? How can you advertise your availability to society at large, should a HiLobrow dilemma arise, as they so often do?
HILOBROW is pleased to offer a series of HiLo merit badges. You want them. You need them.
And now you can earn them.
Each week we will announce a new HiLo merit badge, and what you must do to earn it. There will be rules. But actually, they’re really more like guidelines. Creative interpretation encouraged, but if you go the “guideline” route, HiLobrow reserves the right to determine whether what you’ve done has actually merited the badge. Instructions about what to do and where to send it will be included in each badge’s description.
Mark your progress. Record your adventures and accomplishments. Brandish your brand. Trade with your friends!
HiLo merit badges suitable for collecting on sashes, or secreting under lapels.
Sixth in a series of six exploring the role of badges in hilobrow culture.