Unbored Games Event!
December 12, 2014

On Sunday, December 13 (2 pm) at Wit & Whimsy Children’s Books in Marblehead, Mass., UNBORED Games: Serious Fun for Everyone co-author Joshua Glenn (HILOBROW’s editor) will demonstrate games from the book. Members of the UNBORED design team will be there, too!
Gleaning insights from today’s most insightful game designers and gamification theorists, UNBORED Games includes rules to nearly 75 indoor, outdoor, online and offline games — as well as essays by gaming experts, Q&As with game designers, DIY game-building projects, and secret history comics. Like their 2012 book UNBORED, Joshua Glenn and Elizabeth Foy Larsen co-authored and co-edited UNBORED Games; and it was designed and art-directed by Tony Leone, and illustrated by Mister Reusch and Heather Kasunick.