Subscribe to the Basement Tapes

October 20, 2012

Last year, HiLobrow serialized LINDA, a hollow-earth novel by Karinne Keithley Syers — which was accompanied by hauntingly beautiful songs composed and performed by Karinne on the ukulele. This year, Karinne is reviving an old project of hers, a “serial sound program” called The Basement Tapes of the Mole Cabal.

For a mere $2/month, each month you will receive one original ten minute audio piece. Karinne says it’s “a serial sound program of original ambient instrumental audio with embedded original songs and pilfered archival audio ghosts.” We say it’s amazing.

Karinne is using to manage the subscriptions. Sign up here. Pay via Amazon.

You’ll receive an email once a month with a link to your download. You will be very pleased that you decided to do this…

