
April 18, 2010

As promised, we published the first installment (or “fit”) of James Parker’s The Ballad of Cocky the Fox on April 15. It’s every bit as terrific as we said it would be, right?

Nineteen other Cocky installments will follow, at the rate of one every other Thursday. (Fit the Second will be published, according to this schedule, on Thursday, April 29.) On off-Thursdays, a PDF newsletter will be e-mailed to the 65 beautiful friends, fans, and family members who donated at least $10 to support this serialization.

A cocktillion thanks go out, from the editors of HILOBROW and James Parker, to:

Ellen Moore, Susan Clements, Joan Harrington Provencal, Tiffany Sarkissian, Susan Roe, Tom Nealon, Daniel Fram, Tor Aarestad, James Mustich, Julie Middleton, Mimi Lipson, Rob Tourtelot, David, Mark Kingwell, Emma Westling, Luc Sante, Peggy Nelson, Jeff Severs, Amy Battles Cosgriff, Andrew Sempere, KAPowers, Brian Berger, Tom Hodgkinson, Suzanne Fischer, karinne keithley, Ryan Mulcahy, Anindita Basu Sempere, Walt Pascoe, joanne mcneil, Lisa Kenney, Richard Nash, Alexis Madrigal, dan reines, Margaret Stanley, Henri Bourcereau, Jason Grote, Alan E. Monroe, Jen Collins, Kimberly Madrigal, Robert B. Wyatt, Amanda Nealon, Lucas Gonze, Heather Campbell, Barbara Bogaev, Rob Walker, Nicholas Jose, Paula Newman, Laura Roe, Sandra Roe, Sara Ryan, Kevin Cradock, Jake Zucker, Chris, Brian, Nancy and Rick Pinchera, Peter Parker, Maria-Belen Parker, greg klee, Sheila Cannon, Geoff Edgers, Michael Agger, Himal Mitra, Jessica Bruder, and Robin Sloan.

If you’d like to subscribe to the newsletter, get in touch; it’s not too late. Cocky t-shirts, first editions, and limited-edition prints are also still available. See the Kickstarter page for details; please note that you can’t donate through Kickstarter, any longer — so drop us a line directly. Want to be thanked in the first edition’s acknowledgments? Sorry, you’ve missed your chance.

The 20 fits of Cocky the Fox will be archived here.

Can’t wait two weeks? Here’s more original fiction, from HiLobrow, for your reading pleasure.